Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Janice at Salt City Verse for Roundup.
I'm super-excited to be joining Charles Waters next Monday at Story on the Square in McDonough, GA, to share If I Could Choose a Best Day with Southeastern Independent Booksellers (SIBA)! Booksellers, if you're reading this: hello! Can't wait to meet you!
Something I love: donuts! Some of the best donuts of my life I've enjoyed at the following establishments...not necessarily the best donut, but the ambiance! The moment! The mood!
Daisy's Bakery and Cafe in Locust Fork, AL (Not far from home. Y'all! THE BEST!)
Donut Hole in Destin, FL (red velvet donuts!)
Tato-Nut Donuts in Ocean Springs, MS (later we had Tato-Nut bread pudding at Anthony's Under the Oaks!)
Harriette's in Key Largo, FL (key lime donuts!)
Fluffy's Cafe in New York, NY (any kind of donut with a steaming mug of hot chocolate on a cold night!)
So of course when choosing this week's ArtSpeak: PICASSO subject, this Picasso painting of pastries caught my eye! And then I got to thinking: wouldn't it be fun/ironic to write a Skinny poem about donuts? Ha!
As a refresher, here are the rules for a Skinny poem: 11 lines; lines 1 & 11 have the same words (order can be changed...and I went even a bit further, because my aesthetic calls me to create a poem that moves/shifts from beginning to end, so I would call this a Variation on a Skinny); lines 2-10 contain only one word each; lines 2, 6, and 10 must use the same word.
At the Bakery
If this donut could talk, it would say:
I'm glad this donut can't talk. Yum!